Television: TV series: 100 soccer players and more than 1500 extras wanted

TV series: 100 footballers and more than 1500 extras wanted

A digital film camera stands in a studio. (Archive image) Photo: picture alliance / dpa

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Where mustaches and sideburns are welcome: The rise of FC Bayern Munich is to be filmed as part of a series. Extras are now being sought for this.

For a TV series about the rise of FC Bayern Munich in the 1960s and 70s, 100 good footballers and more than 1500 extras are needed for the shooting. Interested parties can apply online.

The main roles of Gerd Müller, Sepp Maier, Franz Beckenbauer, Paul Breitner and Uli Hoeneß are not cast in this way, but: The agency Eick (“Babylon Berlin”) is looking for European-looking football players between the ages of 18 and 32 who want their Impersonate teammates and opponents in different teams.

Up to 20 days of shooting in NRW and Bavaria

In addition, more than 1,500 extras are wanted for roles such as military police, referees, spectators, stewardesses and nannies. The footballers will have up to 20 days of shooting in NRW and Bavaria. Before the day of shooting, there will be a costume and make-up rehearsal in Cologne.

The application deadline is May 23, 2022. “All men and women between the ages of 0 and 80 who visually fit the Germany of the years 1964 to 1974 are invited,” says agency co-owner Burkhard Eick. No-gos are: dyed or highlighted hair, sunbed tan, piercings and visible tattoos. Men, on the other hand, like to see long hair, mustaches and sideburns.


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