Telecommunications: from ugly to coveted: British cell phone museum opened

From ugly to coveted: British cell phone museum opened

Ben Wood, the museum’s founder, sits behind some of the over 2,000 unique cell phones that are now part of the online museum. Photo: Mobile Phone Museum / Vodafone / PA Media / dpa / Archive

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The cell phone has shaped the lives of people around the world. Now the exhibition in a virtual museum is dedicated to the mobile phone and its history.

Decades after entering the market, the mobile phone is a case for the museum: a virtual museum about the history of the mobile phone has been opened in Great Britain.

“No other recent invention has changed our lives more than the cell phone,” said co-founder Ben Wood, from whose personal collection the museum emerged. From mobile payment methods to live coverage from around the world and the ability to work from anywhere, it’s nearly impossible to overestimate the importance of the cell phone, Wood said.

With their exhibition, in which more than 2100 models from around 200 manufacturers can be seen, the organizers trace the history of the devices – from bulky telephones the size of a car battery to high-end devices. There are also categories such as “the ugliest designs” or the most sought-after models.

In the future there will also be pop-up exhibitions at various locations. At the beginning, some British school children were invited to give a lecture. The mobile phone company Vodafone is sponsoring the project.


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