Teknival “teufeurs” flock despite the ban, 17 injured including one seriously

Impossible to repel the human tide. The revelers are still present in their thousands since Thursday evening in Villegongis, small village in Indreto celebrate the 30th anniversary of Teknivalthe high mass of the techno music the last edition of which dates back to 2019, before the health crisis. The number of “teufeurs” present on a private plot of 70 hectares, uncultivated fields, was 15,000 to 20,000 in the evening, while this gathering is theoretically prohibited by two prefectural decrees.

And that should increase this Friday and during the weekend. The organizers expect around 30,000 people.

Several injuries to deplore

Incidents are to be deplored, since a person was in absolute emergency this Friday. This 40-year-old man, under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, fell asleep and woke up under a car with redness in the chest. He spoke without difficulty and refused to file a complaint. In addition, 16 were in relative emergency were taken care of by the advanced medical post installed on the sidelines of the festival, we learned from the prefecture. Rescuers from civil protection associations said they had assisted 86 people, including 35 last night.

As for the security of the site, 240 gendarmes are permanently engaged on the device. Checks carried out on Thursday led to the placement in police custody of two people, for “traffic offense and driving under the influence of narcotics”, and 23 verbalizations were carried out for possession of narcotics.

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