Teenager stabbed in the head by a college student in June has died

He died on Saturday, two and a half months after being admitted to hospital in very serious condition. The schoolboy who had received a stab in the temple on June 2 in Reims (Marne) died of his injuries on Saturday. He was 14 years old. The 14-year-old teenager suspected of having delivered the fatal blow will be prosecuted for “murder” and no longer for “attempted murder on a 15-year-old minor,” said Reims prosecutor Matthieu Bourrette.

The altercation erupted in June following mockery suffered by the alleged assailant. A great fan of rap, the latter had posted a clip on the Internet, which had earned him mockery at the private Saint-Joseph high school in Reims, a posh establishment in the city where he and the victim were educated. On June 2, around noon, the respondent had made an appointment in a street of the hyper-center with the victim to do battle. Within seconds he would have punched him and then punched him in the temple, hitting his brain. “He did not express any regret during the 48 hours in police custody, nor a word of compassion towards the victim and his family,” the prosecutor reported at a press conference shortly after the incident.

Teasing after the broadcast of a rap clip

The teenager was the object of insults after having broadcast in mid-May on the social network Instagram a clip of rap, “one of his passions”, which he had shot. He appeared there with the Opinel used in the assault. He denied having premeditated to use it. “The dissemination of this clip had earned him to be the victim of mockery from several of his comrades and in particular from the victim, which he had struggled to bear”, had at the time explained the magistrate.

According to the respondent, the two adolescents had already fought a few days earlier within the establishment. Heard, his parents had described a son “nice, reserved”, who would have experienced several situations of harassment from primary school. They had filed a handrail a year earlier, following a dispute while their son was in public college.

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