Teenager killed in Crépol: Gérald Darmanin announces the arrest of 7 people – BFMTV

  1. Teenager killed in Crépol: Gérald Darmanin announces the arrest of 7 people  BFMTV
  2. Death of a teenager in Drôme: 7 people arrested, announces Darmanin  Le Figaro
  3. Who killed Thomas, 16, in Crépol? The identification of suspects is progressing “very quickly” in Drôme  South West
  4. Fatal brawl in Drôme: the spokesperson for the national gendarmerie provides the first details  Europe 1
  5. UFC – Benoît Saint-Denis reacts to the atrocious attack in Drôme: “Another…  Let’s talk basketball
  6. See full coverage on Google News

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