Technology: More than every third German company uses IoT

More than every third German company uses IoT

A surveillance camera: More and more companies in Germany are working with networked systems. Photo: Patrick Pleul/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

More and more companies in Germany are using the Internet of Things (IoT). This is the result of the latest figures from the Federal Statistical Office.

More and more companies in Germany are working with networked systems in the so-called Internet of Things (IoT). In 2021, 36 percent of companies with at least ten employees used devices or systems that can be remotely controlled via the network.

This is the result of figures published by the Federal Statistical Office on Wednesday. This means that Germany is not at the top in a European comparison, but is well above the average of 29 percent.

Pioneers in the use of IoT technologies are Austria (51 percent), Slovenia (49 percent), Finland (40 percent) and Sweden (40 percent). The taillights in the EU include Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria and Romania.

IoT refers to interconnected devices and systems that can collect and exchange data and be monitored or remotely controlled via the Internet.

Not without controversy

Networked security systems are particularly common in companies in Germany. These include smart alarm systems, smoke detectors, door locks and security cameras. These are used by 21 percent of companies – this corresponds to the EU average. However, IoT technology is also used more frequently for energy management (Germany 11 percent, EU average 9 percent). However, the networked technology can also be used to find out from the machines used on site whether maintenance work is necessary.

The use of IoT technology is not without controversy among experts, since the connection of shielded systems in companies to the Internet also allows attacks from outside. Criminal hackers have repeatedly succeeded in hijacking devices in IoT networks and then using them as part of a bot army for attacks. In other attack scenarios, poorly secured devices such as networked printers proved to be a gateway to the entire company network.


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