Technology: Council of Europe adopts AI convention

Council of Europe adopts AI convention

Artificial intelligence is very popular, but it should also follow certain rules. photo

© Peter Steffen/dpa

The Council of Europe wants to use a convention to protect human rights from abuse by artificial intelligence. The organization hopes for a global impact – but there is clear criticism.

The Council of Europe has adopted a convention to protect human rights when dealing with artificial intelligence (AI). “With this new treaty, we want to ensure responsible use of AI that respects human rights, the rule of law and democracy,” said the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Marija Pejčinović Burić in Strasbourg. The European Union had already agreed on a law on AI in December, and now the Council of Europe, which is independent of the EU, is following suit.

The convention is intended to regulate the use of AI in the public and private sectors. However, when regulating the private sector, states can choose whether to take their own measures instead of the Convention regulations. The Council of Europe said this was necessary because of the different legal systems. However, critics complain that this waters down the agreement and gives states and companies too much freedom. The requirements also do not apply to questions of national security and defense.

Content of the agreement

According to the Council of Europe, the agreement specifies, among other things, transparency and monitoring requirements, for example when content is created by AI. States must also ensure that AI systems respect the prohibition of discrimination and the right to privacy, it said. It must also be ensured that AI systems are not used to undermine democratic processes.

Once signed, not only the Council of Europe states can join the convention, but also countries around the world. Whoever signed the convention is then bound by it. Countries outside the Council of Europe such as the USA, Canada and Israel were also involved in the negotiations.

The Council of Europe is independent of the EU and, together with its Court of Justice, is committed to protecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The 46 members include all 27 EU countries, but also countries such as Great Britain and Turkey. He is therefore responsible for 680 million people – from Greenland to Azerbaijan.


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