Tea dances, mussels and fries evenings and pétanque competitions are relaunching the epidemic

In the Creuse, the prefecture calls for not slackening the efforts on the third dose of vaccine and the barrier gestures. In this low-density department, and to the elderly population, the authorities made the link between the strong epidemic outbreak and the holding of several festive events for retirees such as balls and tea dances, birthday parties, competitions. of pétanque or mussels and chips meals which have caused outbreaks of contamination.

“Today the contamination situations are in the ERP [établissement recevant du public] for festive times, ”said the prefect of Creuse Virginie Darpheuille at the microphone of France Bleu Creuse on Thursday.

“The health pass was never enough”

The incidence rate doubled in less than a week, to stand at 100 per 100,000 inhabitants, and even quadrupled among those over 65, reaching 200 per 100,000 inhabitants, with a rate for this age group. of positivity of 8.2%.

“The health pass was never enough. […] There are only two solutions for the situation to improve: take your third dose, when you are in the target, i.e. those over 65, and maintain barrier gestures and wear the mask each time you are over 65. ‘we are in an imposing situation,’ hammered the representative of the State.

A local tightening of sanitary measures is not excluded

For the inhabitants of Creus, a local tightening of sanitary measures is not excluded, which may “range from the obligation of the mask in establishments subject to the pass, through the prohibition of festive events in public buildings or outside up to “the restoration of the wearing of the mask outside”, detailed the prefect who will bring together the elected officials on Monday on this subject.

As in other departments where the incidence rate exceeds the alert threshold of 50 cases per 100.00 inhabitants, the mask will be back to school on Monday.

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