Taufkirchen – artist asserts appearance – district of Munich

The head of the Culture and Congress Center Taufkirchen is a man of clear words. “I would have preferred they forbade everything – and not this wishy-washy,” says Michael Blume bluntly. His criticism is aimed at the measures ordered by the state government that have been in effect for events since Wednesday: 2 G plus, maximum 25 percent occupancy, mask requirement at the square, minimum distance of one and a half meters between people from different households. Many organizers see this as a de facto lockdown, although it is not officially one. “And that is the problem: that we cannot say that we are not allowed to.” Blum’s wish to postpone the upcoming performances to later dates was usually fulfilled thanks to cooperative artists, but there are exceptions.

“The Dark Tenor” Billy Andrews. He used to wear a black mask when performing.

(Photo: organizer)

The concert of “The Dark Tenor” alias Billy Andrews on this Saturday, November 27th, will be carried out at the request of the singer, although the people of Taufkirchen wanted to cancel. From their point of view, the sticking point was not the number of tickets sold – there is space for 150 visitors – but the minimum distance, which sometimes makes the original room occupancy obsolete: “It means that our customers will probably not be able to sit in the row they have booked because they are the maximum number of people per row is significantly reduced by the distance, “explains Thomas Bohnet from the cultural center. “We said to ourselves: there will only be trouble with the implementation,” said Blume. The artist, however, who is successful as a “dark tenor” in the pop-meets-classical genre, wanted the concert, which was planned as part of a larger tour, to take place. “I can understand him well,” said Blume. “He’s with musicians and technicians Nightliner on the go, that costs everything, and the concerts before and after us can take place normally. “Because they are in Rhineland-Palatinate or Brandenburg, for example.

For ticket owners who want to return their tickets before the Taufkirchen event, the respective advance booking office is responsible. Further information including the catch-up dates for other performances is available on the homepage of the cultural center.

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