“Tatort” from Münster: Thiel and Boerne get record rates

ARD crime thriller from Münster
More than 14 million viewers – Thiel and Boerne remain the “crime scene” kings

With their new case, the Münster “Tatort” investigators Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) and Thiel (Axel Prahl, right, here with Banafshe Hourmazdi) were able to attract more than 14 million viewers to the screen.

© WDR/Molina Film/Thomas Kost / ARD

You can still do it: more than 14 million viewers watched the “crime scene” from Münster on Sunday evening. This is by far the best rate of the year – but Jan Josef Liefers and Axel Prahl have had more viewers.

It was a case, as one is used to from Münster: The main story was once again characterized by a lot of hocus-pocus. Among other things, Commissioner Frank Thiel (Axel Prahl) is sprayed with a strange powder called “Devil’s Breath”, which leads to a change in his character, and thus becomes the main suspect in a murder case. However, his friend and landlord Karl-Friedrich Boerne (Jan Josef Liefers) proves his innocence.

The senseless slapstick was well received by the audience: 14.16 million viewers tuned in on Sunday evening. An outstanding value – and by far the best “crime scene” rate of the young year. The ARD thriller also scored well with young audiences between the ages of 14 and 49. 3.09 million viewers made the film the winner of the day in this age group.

Despite the record-breaking quota: The most successful “crime scene” is not “The Devil’s Long Breath”. Thiel and Boerne have already surpassed themselves several times. Most recently last May. The two weird investigators reached a few thousand more viewers with 14.22 million. The absolute record of this millennium also comes from Münster: In 2017, 14.56 million people switched on “Fangshot”.

The Münster “crime scene” lives from the ensemble

The film with Jeanette Hain and André M. Hennicke in the other roles was the most successful “crime scene” in a quarter of a century. The last time more people had seen a “crime scene” was in 1992.

“The Devil’s Long Breath” was the 40th mission for the team from Münster. As can be seen from the rating, the viewers are far from tired of the slapstick about the quirky ensemble. In addition to Prahl and Liefers, the permanent cast of the team from Münster also includes Christine Ursprechen as Boerne’s assistant Silke Haller, Mechthild Großmann as public prosecutor Wilhelmine Klemm and Claus Dieter Clausnitzer as Frank Thiel’s father.

In the current episode, they were all involved in solving the case. The success shows: This team is far from finished.

Source used: “Quotenmeter.de”


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