Tariff loyalty law for Bavaria required – Bavaria

The Bavarian Catholic Workers’ Movement (KAB) is calling for the introduction of a collective bargaining agreement for the Free State. According to a statement on Friday, public contracts should only be awarded to companies that pay at least standard wages. However, if the federal government decides to pass its own tariff loyalty law as planned, Bavaria could end up bringing up the rear.

“Bavaria would then be one of the last areas on the German map that does not pay attention to collective standards such as minimum wages and working hours in the companies commissioned with government contracts,” said State President Michael Wagner. The governing party CSU defines itself as Christian social. “With a Bavarian collective agreement and procurement law, your leading politicians could now demonstrate that they take this commitment seriously and are committed to working people – just as the church’s social teaching and Christian values ​​demand.”

According to media reports, the latest draft law by the Federal Ministry of Labor provides, among other things, that the public sector may only award contracts of 10,000 euros or more to companies that employ collective agreements.

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