Targeted by an investigation for “acts of a sexual nature”, the bishop of La Rochelle asks to be put “in withdrawal”

The bishop of La Rochelle, Mgr Georges Colomb, announced on Tuesday evening that he had asked to be “withdrawn” from his duties for the duration of an investigation relating, according to the Paris prosecutor’s office, to “facts of a sexual nature”.

This request follows the opening of an investigation, following a report by the Foreign Missions of Paris (MEP), “concerning acts of a sexual nature alleged against this bishop and which would have been committed in 2013”, indicated the Paris prosecutor’s office to AFP, which confirmed information from The cross, Christian family And The life.

“Strong” denial

In a press release published on the diocese’s website, Bishop Colomb, former superior general of the MEP (2010-2016), indicates that he has “to date not been contacted by any investigator” and “expresses his amazement and incomprehension in the face of these slanderous allegations and vigorously deny them”.

However, “in order to be able to prepare his defense and preserve the diocese of La Rochelle, Bishop Colomb took the decision to ask the Pope to set him aside for the time of the investigation, while remaining Bishop of La Rochelle”, adds the press release. . “An administrator should be appointed to take care of our diocese during this period”, it is specified.

“Serious” accusations, reacts the Conference of Bishops

In a separate press release also published on Tuesday evening, the Conference of Bishops of France describes as “serious” the accusations made against Bishop Colomb and Bishop Gilles Reithinger, Auxiliary Bishop of Strasbourg.

The latter, who had succeeded Bishop Colomb at the head of the MEP from 2016 to 2021, is quoted in press articles as having been aware of the accusations of sexual assault that took place at the MEP from 2013. He denies having been informed , in his words to The cross.

In mid-May, the MEPs announced that they had asked an external firm to identify cases of sexual violence that may have taken place between 1950 and 2023 within them. The Missions say they now have 150 priests in 14 countries (Thailand, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, India, Laos, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma and Madagascar in particular).

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