Tank deliveries to Ukraine: no time for long waits

As of: 01/19/2023 4:55 p.m

Before the Western Allies meet in Ramstein in Ukraine, the pressure on the German government to approve deliveries of the “Leopard” battle tank is growing. Apparently, people in Poland don’t want to wait any longer.

Shortly before a crucial meeting on expanding military aid to Ukraine, pressure is mounting on Germany and Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to deliver “Leopard” battle tanks to Kyiv.

“There are times when you shouldn’t hesitate and compare,” said Zelenskyj via video address at the World Economic Forum in Davos. He was referring to reports that Scholz made the delivery of battle tanks conditional on the United States doing the same. Zelenskyy said he didn’t think it was the right strategy “if someone says: ‘I will give tanks if someone else also gives tanks'”.

Joint statement from Ukraine

In a joint statement, the Ukrainian defense and foreign ministries called on Germany to supply “Leopard” tanks to Ukraine. Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov appealed to “all partner countries” to “significantly step up” their contribution to strengthening Ukrainian defense capabilities.

“We guarantee that we will use these weapons responsibly and exclusively to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine within internationally recognized borders,” assured Kuleba and Reznikov.

Report: Rheinmetall is preparing for “Leopard” delivery

The “Leopard” tank, built in Germany, is considered an export hit and is used by the armed forces of various countries. According to a report in the “Handelsblatt”, the armaments group Rheinmetall is preparing to deliver battle tanks to Ukraine.

From the older “Leopard 1” model, 20 main battle tanks could be re-equipped this year and another 80 within 20 months, reports the “Handelsblatt”, citing industry circles. In addition to the “Leopard 2” and the “Leopard 1”, the British “Challenger 1” tank could then also be refurbished and handed over to Kyiv.

Christoph Mestmacher, ARD Berlin, on the discussion of arms deliveries to the Ukraine

tagesschau24 2 p.m., 19.1.2023

Poland wants to deliver “Leopard” together with other countries

While the federal government in Berlin remains cautious, Poland has agreed to hand over a company of “Leopard 2” tanks including a thousand grenades to the Ukraine. A prerequisite is that the tank delivery is part of a coalition of “Leopard” donor countries, according to a statement.

Earlier, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki hinted that Poland could deliver its own “Leopard 2” tanks to Ukraine without waiting for German approval. According to the PAP news agency, Morawiecki said in a TV interview with Polsat News regarding the supply of main battle tanks: “The approval is secondary here. We will either reach an agreement quickly or we will do the right thing ourselves”. Germany will therefore continue to be urged to agree quickly. But there is no time for a long wait because Russia is obviously preparing a new offensive for February.

Hanging game between Berlin and Washington

US Congressman Gregory Meeks told the AFP news agency that Chancellor Scholz had told him on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos that Germany would supply heavy battle tanks to Ukraine if the US in turn sent “Abrams” battle tanks. “Basically, it has to be the United States and Germany. There’s no question about that,” said Meeks, who represents US President Joe Biden’s Democratic Party on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

A senior Pentagon official said in Washington that the US is currently refusing to ship Abrams. The tank is a “very complicated” piece of armament. It is expensive, requires extensive training and consumes a lot of fuel with its turbine drive. “It’s not the easiest system to maintain.”

The “Süddeutsche Zeitung” and the “Bild” newspaper, among others, had previously reported on the Chancellor’s statements. Accordingly, President Biden did not want to commit to an answer during a phone call with Scholz on Tuesday. Scholz said on Wednesday that Germany would “never act alone” but “together with others, especially the United States”.

Pistorius meets Austin

At a meeting with his US colleague Lloyd Austin, the new Federal Defense Minister Boris Pistorius (SPD) did not comment on the delivery of “Leopard” battle tanks, which is currently being demanded by many sides. However, he announced close coordination with the USA.

On Friday, Ukraine’s western allies will discuss further arms deliveries in Ramstein, Rhineland-Palatinate. Then there should be more announcements. 20 countries worldwide have the modern “Leopard 2” tanks, which are produced in Germany. The federal government must therefore approve any transfer – no matter from which country.

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