Tandler daughter is not included in the investigative committee for the time being – Bavaria

Actually, the Munich PR entrepreneur, who collected mask commissions in the millions, should have testified as a witness on Friday. However, she has submitted a medical certificate stating that she is ill.

It would have been the first public appearance of the Munich PR entrepreneur Andrea Tandler, around two years after the mask deals she mediated through CSU channels and subsequent commissions in the millions. This Friday, the daughter of the former CSU general secretary and ex-minister Gerold Tandler was to testify as a witness in the mask investigation committee of the Bavarian state parliament. She was supposed to tell how she initiated the deals with three health ministries that brought her and a partner of her commissions of 48 million euros.

But the Tandler daughter is spared the appearance in the state parliament; for now at least. As the SZ has been confirmed by several parties, the Munich entrepreneur has submitted a medical certificate to the U-Committee, according to which she is ill. That’s why she couldn’t appear. The witness appointment on Friday at 9.15 a.m. in the Maximilianeum, the seat of the state parliament, has thus been cancelled. The investigation committee is likely to summon the Tandler daughter again as a witness after her recovery. In any case, that is to be assumed. Even if Andrea Tandler will certainly refuse to testify.

As a suspect in several investigations, the Munich entrepreneur has the right to remain silent in the investigation committee. Likewise her partner Darius N., with whom she shared the 48 million euro commission and who is also being investigated for several alleged crimes in connection with the mask deals: money laundering, tax offenses and suspected corruption. Andrea Tandler and Darius N. reject all allegations. Even if they are allowed to refuse to testify in the investigative committee, they still have to come and record it personally. Unless they are prevented by illness.

The Tandler case has increasingly become a burden for the CSU. Shortly after the start of the corona pandemic, Gerold Tandler’s daughter had secured large orders for the delivery of masks and other protective clothing for the Swiss trading company Emix in Germany. The main buyers of the goods, which cost more than 700 million euros, were the Federal Ministry of Health, which was then headed by Jens Spahn (CDU), and the health ministries in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. Tandler’s subsidiary had used CSU channels to initiate contacts.

Just a few days ago, Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU) suggested that Andrea Tandler should give and donate part of her mask millions. It was “dishonest if someone wanted to enrich themselves in a crisis”.

The two owners of Emix, the Zurich young entrepreneurs Luca Steffen and Jascha Rudolphi, made even more profit than Andrea Tandler and her partner Darius N. with their German mask deals. The Munich I public prosecutor’s office assumes 300 million euros, which Emix denies.

However, Emix does not deny that the Emix profit should have been significantly more than 100 million euros.

The sub-committee to clarify the mask affairs had also invited Steffen and Rudolphi as witnesses to the Bavarian state parliament for this Friday. However, the two have canceled, and as Swiss citizens they don’t have to come either; unlike Andrea Tandler and Darius N.

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