Talking about books and feminism, a source of “empowerment” for these women who meet at the Book club

It all started in September 2020. Gisèle* returns to live in Nice and tries to find a way to meet people. “I wanted to bring militant people around feminism to me after having been able to experience this kind of activity in Rennes and simply make contacts in a city where I didn’t know anyone. She decides to create a feminist book club. Every last Wednesday of the month, women gather around a book to talk about it.

“We started in video, at 7 or 8, during the second confinement. Today, we have more than 150 email addresses referenced in the mailing list, continues one of the creators of the book club. I’m surprised myself, I think it overwhelmed me. On the other hand, it illustrates a need, there are few spaces like that in Nice. »

She adds: “We still limited the sessions to a dozen participants so that it didn’t become a conference and so that everyone could express themselves. A hard core of 5 to 7 people often come back. But there are no rules, you come for once, for two or three, or even forever! It’s free. »

“I don’t feel alone anymore”

No “criteria” are required to be part of the book club, not even to be a feminist or to be a woman. “At the beginning, we wanted to meet in a chosen single-sex group and some men were offended. Since then, we have changed but it is clear that no one showed up at our meetings. »

With a horizontal hierarchy, without financial participation, the feminist book club of Nice is open to all. There are participants of all ages, from all walks of life. “The book, whether it is an essay or a novel, is a pretext for having a common experience and exchanging. Often, we also link our own experiences and that’s what is enriching. We have no professional or friendly ties, it’s stronger than that, ”supports Gisèle.

Among the regulars, Perrine, 33, sophrologist. She hasn’t missed a date since the first time, in July 2021. “When I came out, it was a great pleasure. I was happy, I had a lot of energy. It was the first time that I had this feeling of stopping being alone on this planet. »

A source of “empowerment”

She describes the feeling of taking part in this event as “a real breath of fresh air”. For her, “it’s empowering to share common values, centers of interest for two hours, or even more, each month. We talk about a book, about us, we think, we get organized. Sometimes, we meet in the city and we have this look that says “we know”, it’s an indescribable bond. I am proud to be part of a group where a form of inexplicable solidarity is born. I feel stronger. »

Thanks to the book club, she launched a parallel collective reading workshop, something “just as powerful”. “I know a lot of books, I am aware of events. We create, we enlarge the circle. It is fabulous. I understood the meaning of the link and its value. »

A feeling shared by Chloé, who has attended the book club twice. “When you’re active, it’s the same feeling as an endless hug,” she sums up. Before, she had a priori on this kind of activities. “I only saw that in the movies. I had no idea what to expect at all. By her profession, she had already rubbed shoulders with feminism, but “only from a theoretical point of view”. “I was sensitive to the question, but activism was something new for me. The book club opened me. I didn’t know much and he allowed me to feed myself, not to be judged. And I went to step 2, no longer communicating with myself about what I learn with kindness and less anger. It takes a load off me. »

One thing is certain, now she will look for this kind of space if she moves. Perrine will create it if it doesn’t exist.

*Name has been changed.

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