Taliban promise girls will be able to go back to school “as soon as possible”

While the boys were allowed to return to class in Afghanistan on Saturday, the girls are still out of school. Faced with the commotion caused by this decision, the Taliban have sought to reassure the Afghan population and the international community, which fears a return to the iron regime of the 1990s, which in particular prohibited women from studying. “We are finalizing things (…) It will happen as quickly as possible”, announced Tuesday the spokesman of the Taliban government concerning the return of the college girls and the high school girls in their schools.

Classes in Afghan schools were interrupted in mid-August following the return to power of the Taliban, thanks to the American withdrawal and the collapse of the pro-Western government.

No female minister or ministry of women

The Taliban have also appointed several ministers and thus completed the formation of their government, which does not include any female ministers or women’s ministries, Zabihullah Mujahid added at a press conference in Kabul.

The new Afghan regime announced the first part of its government, including many historical leaders of the movement, on September 7. Zabihullah Mujahid once again stressed on Tuesday that this was a transitional government that would be strengthened in the future.

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