takeover by John Textor finally fixed

While the formalization of the sale of the Rhone entity to the company Eagle Football, owned by John Textor, was to take place this Friday, a press release, published this Friday morning, indicated that the latter would be postponed for a few days. . Later in the evening, OL Groupe published a new press release in which it indicates that the new date for the official takeover of the club by John Textor is set for October 21.

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“In response to the press release issued on September 30, 2022 before the opening of the market, Eagle Football Holdings LLC (“Eagle Football”), controlled by Mr. John Textor, Pathé, IDG, Holnest and OL Groupe have agreed, by amendments to their agreements, on October 21, 2022 as the new date for the completion of the Transaction. This additional time will be used to finalize the legal documentation and the final steps prior to the completion of the Transaction”the statement said.

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