Take it to the next level! Graduate School welcomes freshmen in Year 1 with NFT, allowing children to find themselves in the Metaverse world

Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU) opens the house to host an orientation event to welcome new students in 2022 with the concept of “New U, Cool Day that Takes U to the Future” and distributes Airdrop NFT Avatar to all students. Ready to continue moving forward in bringing students into the virtual world, announcing the opening of Metaverse Campus in D.OASIS CITY, the Metaverse platform on The Sandbox project, within the academic year 2022 to create an ecosystem to support the learning of Web3 Technology of the future. Packed NFT/Digital Asset courses pave the way for students to pave the way for entrepreneurial success and career paths in the Metaverse era.

by Dr. Darika Latthapipat, President of Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU), said that technology that changes rapidly This makes the university realize the importance of Web3 Technology and Blockchain, which are currently becoming the mega-trends of the world. Until students graduate in the next 3-4 years, such technologies will be important in driving business. a lot Students must know and understand Web3 Technology since they are in the university. Therefore, it will be ready to work in the modern business world.

This year’s special is It is the first year that every first year student will be able to find himself. and experimenting with activities in the virtual world like Metaverse Activities such as opening a digital wallet, airdropping an NFT avatar, to learning about NFT/Digital Asset through DPU CORE courses will make students more equipped to become entrepreneurs and gain professional skills. in new business

DPU has partnered with ‘D.OASIS, The Sandbox Metaverse’, a virtual world platform that brings together Thailand’s leading businesses and celebrities, and develops the Metaverse Ecosystem to connect the world of business, entertainment, advertising, education. Sports and lifestyle come together to create a community on the world’s largest metaverse in Thailand. And will be the top in Asia, recently D.OASIS has acquired and developed land on The Sandbox, a famous virtual world area. with many famous brands and celebs, such as Adidas, Gucci, HSBC, Atari, Walking Dead, Snoop Dogg, etc.

In this regard, Dr. Darika added that “Within the academic year 2022, DPU will open a virtual campus or Metaverse Campus on D.OASIS CITY, Thailand’s leading Metaverse platform. to build a platform Learn-to-Earn and push NFT in the education world to prepare Thai youths for entering the Web3 era.”

On the other hand, Mr. Athiphat Ketutat, Assistant to the President Marketing and Public Relations Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU) stated that DPU’s clear goal of moving into the world of Metaverse and Web3 states that all students will learn NFT from year 1 with a strong focus on delivering NFT content. Let’s break it down to make it easier to understand. and focus on practical learning for students to understand and use in practice, such as opening a digital wallet, connecting with OpenSea, a world-class Marketplace platform. and famous people in the industry to educate students

“This is the starting point for students and DPU to learn at the same time in order to create a Metaverse Ecosystem. The use of D point is not only in universities. It can also be used with our network of partners, including Human x club, a Thai NFT project that will be released later this year. Students can bring NFT or accumulated points. to use to participate in activities can redeem various privileges, including in the future can be used to enter D.OASIS, the Metaverse platform that we are partners with, etc.,” said Mr. Athiphat.

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