Tagliatelle is the French’s favorite pasta in 2023

Pasta has the art of adapting to all budgets and all palates. Spaghetti, penne, linguine, tagliatelle, fettuccine, papardelle, farfalle, fusilli, coquette… the choice is vast and sometimes even disconcerting. But this year, among all these varieties, the French have chosen tagliatelle as their favorite! 22% of respondents in a survey conducted by the French pasta manufacturer Lustucru in collaboration with the Opinion Way institute made this long, wide ribbon pasta their number one.

Tagliatelle at the top

Number one this year, tagliatelle was cited by 56% of French people surveyed, who placed it first for 22% of them. Essential in classic bolognese tagliatelle, they embellish plates in tomato sauce as well as in more sophisticated dishes like tagliatelle with truffles.

Spaghetti in second place

Let’s not underestimate spaghetti, which proudly takes the silver medal. Finer than tagliatelle, they have managed to keep their place in the hearts of 19% of French people who name them in their top. Very popular with those under 24 and over 65, they remain very popular in carbonaras, one of the French’s favorite dishes.

The shells at the bottom of the podium

In third position, the shells. Whether in gratin, with ketchup, or with cheese, they win the prize for culinary comfort. These little tube-shaped pasta won the hearts of young and old, garnering 17% of the votes for third place.

The ranking continues with farfalles, twists, noodles, and macaroni, in fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh positions respectively. This ranking evolves over the years, but one thing remains constant: pasta, in all its forms, is essential on French plates. Bolognese, carbonara with cheese, spinach or ricotta… 80% of French people regularly consume pasta, according to another study, published in 2021 by the statistics company Statista.

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