Tagesspiegel: Sunday one after Martenstein – media

“A tectonic shift” reports Sigmar Gabriel on the daily mirror-Sunday front page. However, he does not mean Martenstein’s withdrawal in his capacity as a columnist, but Putin’s campaign in his capacity as a terrorist. In general, there is a lot of Putin on page one: “The view of Putin”, “Putin’s accolade from Spandau”. Zero Martenstein. The world would be better off the other way around.

As reported, Martenstein described the wearing of Jewish stars at Corona demonstrations in his Sunday column as “difficult to bear”, but also as “certainly not: anti-Semitic”. The outraged editor-in-chief then distanced itself from the post. What outraged Martenstein, who then from daily mirror distanced. He has been writing for the newspaper since the 1980s.

From now on only readers: Harald Martenstein and “Der Tagesspiegel”.

(Photo: imago stock&people/imago/Gerhard Leber)

The Martenstein case is not a Billy case and not a case Gardeners’ Question Time (GQT). When Ikea wanted to take the Billy shelf out of the program, Helmut Schmidt intervened: “Without Billy, you’re stuck with your pine junk.” And when the BBC, following a crazy intuition, thought about professionally pruning the hobby gardener program GQT, which had been produced weekly since 1947, an uprising broke out. Ikea and the BBC were brought to their knees at the time. From the storm to the daily mirror nothing has been heard so far.

Long-term marriages are breaking up more and more often

Although page one in its new lack of Martenstein on the bottom left now looks disconsolate, even at a loss. Harald Martenstein, who is hardly known as Harald, but mainly as a columnist Martenstein (analogies from prehistory: Bahn boss Mehdorn, Chancellor Merkel, all similarly important companions), wrote his last column a week ago. Title: “I stand by my opinion”. In addition, as always, this beautiful drawing was shown, which shows columnist Martenstein as a rock in the surf, Handke lookalike, old white man and wise old members of an indigenous people.

“On May 2, 1988, I daily mirror started,” wrote columnist Martenstein in the last column about the divorce. Long-term marriages are breaking up more and more often. Sometimes the background in modern societies is that the wife is economically on her own two feet, which also includes this almost last Martenstein sentence in what is almost the last Martenstein column: “Anyone who liked my sound should read the weekly newspaper regularly The time Open it, you’ll find me there in the magazine.” The rock in the surf understands a lot of things, including being offended and marketing.

Did you like the Martenstein sound? Oh yeah. But it’s also amazing that the world doesn’t stop when popular authors quit. “We woke up in a different world today,” said the Foreign Minister after the attack on Ukraine. Today we are with another daily mirror woke up. But it’s not a tectonic shift. There’s too much pine junk for that. And you have to start slowly with the garden.

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