SZ series: Man and Forest, episode 7 – His forest, his savings bank – Bavaria

There are 700,000 private forest owners in Bavaria, Michael Lechner is one of them, he owns 20 hectares. He cares passionately about his property and looks after it according to clear rules. One of them is: the hunt must be right

This is the realm of Michael Lechner: A steep slope full of mountain spruce trees that tower straight 40 meters and higher into the sky. In between beeches and mighty fir trees. The forest floor, on which there is a lot of sunlight, is covered by a lush green herb layer made up of mosses, lichens, ferns and other plants. Countless tiny firs, beeches and spruces grow out of it. There is hardly a day on which the 67-year-old from Miesbach does not drive up the ridge between Schliersee and Tegernsee and look after his forest.


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