SZ Podcast “On the Point” – News from July 19th, 2021 – Knowledge

Record temperatures are currently prevailing in large parts of Europe. Temperatures in the UK have risen above 40 degrees Celsius for the first time since records began. Germany is also groaning under high temperatures. Social organizations such as the VdK are calling for heat protection plans.

in such plans Franziska Matthies-Wiesler from the Helmholtz Institute worked. This is “a bundle of measures to keep the effects of heat on people as low as possible”. From the municipal administration to the health service should work together at such temperatures to prevent death from heat. But that has happened too little in the past. “Germany has not prepared for this heat wave,” criticizes Matthies-Wiesler. The heat is particularly dangerous for older fellow citizens, people with previous illnesses, but also for infants and pregnant women. Climate protection is key to counteracting such extreme weather events. “Climate protection is health protection,” says the biologist.

Further news: Petersberg Climate Dialogue, half-time 9-euro ticket.

Dunja Ramadan’s text on what we can learn from people in North African countries who are quite normal with these temperatures can be found here.

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