SZ podcast “Munich personally”: Organizer Alexander Wolfrum about special locations – Munich

Do events actually have to be designed more and more elaborately in order to meet the demands of influencers? Why are huge events like the ten Adele concerts at the Munich exhibition center suddenly possible this summer? Alexander Wolfrum is familiar with permits, bureaucratic hurdles, the finesse of company events and the organization of cultural highlights. The founder of the event agency Gral organized one of the largest open-air cinemas in Germany on Munich’s Königsplatz for over 20 years.

In the SZ podcast “Munich Personally”, Alexander Wolfrum, 58, reports how he became an organizer – namely about “fixed braces come out” parties at a young age – how to find the best locations in the city, and what role sustainability plays above all plays to a young audience and when something goes wrong with prominent guests or at large events.

For the Munich editorial podcast, Ulrike Heidenreich and René Hofmann, the heads of the Munich, Region and Bavaria department, as well as people editor Sabine Buchwald and social editor Jana Jöbstl meet alternately with different guests. They pick you up at your home or place of work. Sometimes by tram, subway, sometimes in a taxi or even on foot. Or they arrange to meet at special places in the city for a conversation.

It’s about current projects and very personal plans, about topics that move the city. The SZ podcast team invites people who have a connection to Munich. You live in the city or are visiting. They come from the areas of politics, gastronomy, culture, sport or media.

This is how you can subscribe to the “Munich Personal” podcast:

“Munich Personal” is the podcast South German newspaper about people and issues that move the city. The podcast appears every two weeks. Don’t miss an episode and subscribe to our audio offering in your favorite podcast app or at iTunes, Spotify, Deezer, Audio Now. You can find an overview of all our podcasts at and Here you can find out how you can listen to our podcasts.

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