SZ in the evening: The weekend compact from – politics

The most important thing about the war in Ukraine

EXCLUSIVE Germany will transfer record sums for oil and gas to Moscow this year. A Greenpeace study predicts that German customers will pay around 32 billion euros for Russian oil and gas in 2022 – more than they have in years. Is the Kremlin profiting from the war of aggression against Ukraine in the raw materials business? Go to Article

Ukrainian General Staff: Russia launches offensive in east. According to the army leadership, areas in the Kharkiv and Donetsk areas in particular are being attacked. At least six people were killed in rocket attacks on Lviv. Russia and Ukraine have again failed to agree on the establishment of escape corridors. Ukrainian President Zelensky warns that delays in arms deliveries are “permission for Russia to take the lives of Ukrainians”. To the Ukraine live blog

Mariupol does not surrender. About 2,500 Ukrainian soldiers and many civilians are said to have holed up in a factory. They are probably the last resistance against the Russian military in the port city. To the article (SZ Plus)

Russian diplomat is said to have established a network among young German politicians. The 33-year-old, who speaks perfect German and is said to have family roots in Baden-Württemberg, was an attaché at the Russian Embassy in Berlin for five years. The connections he has built reach deep into the spectrum of established parties – and into the German economy, as research by SZ and WDR shows. The Kremlin’s calculus was obvious: anyone who spent nights debating and partying with a charismatic diplomat yesterday may not vote against Nord Stream 2 tomorrow or demand tougher sanctions against Russia.

The Kremlin finds it difficult to get control of the Internet. Russia’s President Putin has long underestimated the danger of the Internet for his autocratic rule. It is technically very difficult to subsequently control such a grown everyone’s medium. Although the Russian censors have already shut down Facebook and Twitter, these platforms are hardly used in Russia anyway. Blocking YouTube and Whatsapp is likely to pose greater risks for Putin. To the article (SZ Plus)

The news of the weekend compact

Harsh criticism of Lauterbach’s killer virus statement. The Minister of Health warns of highly contagious omicron subvariants, but experts, politicians and patient advocates consider the statement to be of little help. The nationwide seven-day incidence drops to 809. To the Corona Newsblog

How a million-dollar offer from Söder’s wife’s company fell through. First, in April 2020, the Bavarian Prime Minister announced a partial mask requirement, then his wife’s company took action and offered 16 million protective masks from China. The deal didn’t go through. The Ministry of Health says it is a “completely normal process”, the State Chancellery emphasizes that the Prime Minister never interfered. Nevertheless, the SPD now wants to know: was that a coincidence? To the article (SZ Plus)

Paris prosecutor investigates corruption allegations against Le Pen. The EU fraud authority Olaf accuses the French presidential candidate and her employees of embezzling 600,000 euros. Your lawyer speaks of political “instrumentalization” before the presidential election next Sunday. Go to Article

Serious riots over right-wing rallies in Sweden. For days there have been violent protests against attempts by a right-wing party to publicly burn the Koran. The police fired warning shots, there were injuries. To the article

FC Bayern is pondering his role. After the 3-0 win in Bielefeld, midfielder Kimmich formulated a kind of balance sheet for the season. The “too early end in the cup” and the “too early end in the Champions League” are “perhaps not enough” for FC Bayern’s claims, he said. The fact that the tenth championship title in a row can already be won next Saturday is only a limited consolation. Trainer Nagelsmann warns sports director Salihamidzic and board boss Kahn against too much restraint in transfers. Go to Article

Dortmund wins 6-1 against Wolfsburg. Tom Alexander Rothe, the newest teenager from BVB’s talent pool, only needs 24 minutes to score in his first Bundesliga game. Four games before the end, the lead in fifth place is large enough that the renewed Champions League qualification is almost certain. Go to Article

Also important

A lot of people were interested in that over the weekend

Why are some people immune to Corona? Some fall seriously ill with Covid-19, others are completely spared. What previous infections and one’s own genetic make-up have to do with it. To the article (SZ Plus)

This is how investors protect themselves from high inflation. The Germans can watch their money slipping through their fingers. Five tips to protect yourself from it. To the article (SZ Plus)

SZ MAGAZINE Leave me alone with all your happiness! Everywhere you look, you encounter the ideology of the positive. Anger and wild curses can also be very healing and advance society and politics. Go to Article (SZ Plus)

Last but not least

Good flight! Swinging makes you feel light and free. But why does commuting back and forth make you so happy? About swings as a way of life. To the article (SZ Plus)

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