Syn City MafiaMetaverse Game the original one further developed under the new name “MOBLAND”

Welcome back, #Synners, to pave the way to becoming #MafiaMetaverse Premier level We have a lot of exciting updates coming. and a lot of support from the growing community. New partners and #Synners joining us. Plus it kicks off the new year with a wide variety of events, including:

  • 4 rounds of IDOs with overwhelming attendance
  • A successful auction with the second highest transaction volume on the Copper Launch platform.
  • It had the highest level of funding on the Copper Launch platform in the past few months.
  • exponential growth and the brand is recognized all over the world.
  • Nearly 200,000 Twitter community members
  • Over 130,000 channels and groups in Telegram.
  • Over 240,000 Discord members, and we’ll be reaching 300,000 soon.

#MafiaMetaverse Fast growing with lots of news and events. Although we were recently accused of infringing the Sin City trademark by Frank Miller, we think this is completely inaccurate because:

  • SYN CITY stands for Syndicate City of our community — Syndicates and even in blockchain token contracts. We also use the name Syndicate, see here:
  • in the United States Over 2,000 names associated with the SIN CITY are registered, and even Las Vegas is known as SIN CITY.
  • We never advertise SYN CITY with any Frank Miller design or assets.
  • We always give $SYNR ticker tokens to our #SYNNERS community members.

We hire Paul Hastings, who has been on The American Lawyer’s A-List for 11 years in a row and represents the global agency. to be our legal representative

  • We may choose to spend our time and resources fully in dealing with the legal dispute of this matter. But what we think we should focus on most is building and expanding. #MafiaMetaverse is even better for the #Synners. Because this is extremely important for a new generation of startups like us.
  • We want to eliminate all noise and disturbances to protect our precious community who are always devoting and devoting time to building our ecosystem.
  • The people of our amazing community have been building ecosystems since the beginning. and as a community We will never allow outsiders to take advantage of our beloved #Synners.

and then from the aforementioned We are very excited to introduce our ‘new identity’, a further development of ‘MOBLAND’, to reinforce and highlight the module concept. including a variety of game units to collect #MafiaMetaverse ours together from the soon-to-be-released modules Both the core concept and fundamentals remain as strong and stable as ever. But the additional add-ons will be bigger and bigger. and for all these reasons So we want to launch our new brand name 👇

We believe that MOBLAND is the right name to represent us. and will help build #MafiaMetaverse to make the world bigger than ever For many years, we have been creating module expansions with great care and attention. by famous giant entrepreneurs and thought leaders around the world.

This is a very exciting decision. And we believe that we are moving in the right direction to make MOBLAND a web3 and we also work towards:

  • Layer and building blocks of metaverses with many of the familiar brands entering the web3 industry by partnering with us.
  • Expand the infrastructure to support the high demand from users.
  • To introduce cross-utility among the many landscapes within the borders of MOBLAND created by #Synners and for #Synners.

Our team strategizes with various advisers and partners to update events and roadmap steps. It will be a seamless transition to the MOBLAND brand.

The Governance token will continue to use its current name (SYNR), and no changes will be made to the token contract.

because it is preparing for important events in the future So we decided to reveal a new identity for #MafiaMetaverse our first We will devote all our commitment and resources to the expansion of the ecosystem. and we believe We are on the right path.

We always look forward to your comments and ideas on this update. And we’re really excited. for product launch including many new announcements to come in the future

Now, when starting with a new identity We’re always ready to shift gears, share updates, and keep creating for all of you #Synners.

Join our #MafiaMetaverse:

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