Sylt: Guests chant racist slogans in celebrity bar

Instagram video
Guests chant racist slogans in Sylt celebrity bar – now state security is investigating

Watch the video: Party guests celebrate with Nazi slogans in Sylt’s high society bar – celebrities and club react. Video source:

In a posh bar on Sylt, young guests chanted “Foreigners out” in unison. A short video of the scene, which was shared on social media, sparked great outrage – now the state security service is investigating the matter.

A video that was briefly circulating on social media, in which young people shout racist slogans in front of a bar on the North Sea island of Sylt, has caused great outrage. The bar distanced itself from the guests on Friday night and announced consequences.

In the recording, which lasts just a few seconds and went viral on social media on Thursday, young men and women chant “Foreigners out” and “Germany for the Germans” to the tune of the party hit “L’amour Toujours” by Gigi D’Agostini. One man appears to be making a Hitler mustache with his fingers on his upper lip. The operators of the bar said on Instagram that they were “deeply shocked” about the video. “We distance ourselves from any kind of racism and discrimination.”

Sylt bar issues ban – police react

“If we had known about the incident, we would of course have thrown the guests out of the establishment. There is no place for racism!!!”, wrote the restaurant’s operators on Instagram. Every guest, regardless of ethnicity, is welcome. The people concerned will be banned from the premises, they said. In another post, the operators wrote that they had now been given the names of “these Nazis”. “We will report this disgusting behavior and use all criminal law options!!!”

The State Security Department has begun investigations into incitement and the use of unconstitutional symbols, the police announced on Friday. Late Thursday evening, the police on Sylt were given a video that apparently recorded a party on the outdoor terrace of a Sylt nightclub. “The video shows at least some of the people depicted singing right-wing extremist lyrics (“Germany for the Germans, foreigners out!”). There is also suspicion that one person is giving the so-called Hitler salute,” the police said.

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Criticism of Sylt video not only in social networks

Berlin SPD politician Sawsan Chebli wrote on the X platform on Friday night: “‘Germany for the Germans. Foreigners out. Foreigners out.’ Location: Sylt. And they feel so safe.” TV presenter Jan Böhmermann asked: “Who and where are these people?” And presenter Dunja Hayali tweeted: “With Hitler moustache and champagne, but without ‘foreigners’. #Sylt. 2024.” From the point of view of Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, the incident casts a bad light on the entire country. “Anyone who shouts Nazi slogans like ‘Germany for the Germans – foreigners out’ is a disgrace for Germany,” the SPD politician told the newspapers of the Funke Media Group on Friday. The question arises “whether we are dealing with people here who live in a parallel society that is neglected by prosperity and who are trampling on the values ​​of our constitution.”

One of the young women involved in the shouting, wearing sunglasses in her hair and a white blouse, had filmed the scene. The people standing around were singing and swaying, holding glasses of drinks. No one seemed to be bothered by the shouting.

Apparently employee of well-known influencer involved

Apparently also involved was a person who was in an “employment relationship” with the well-known influencer Milena Karl, as Karl himself said on Friday afternoon. on her Instagram profile writes. She saw the video “with dismay” and terminated this employment relationship “with immediate effect”. The pregnant influencer writes: “I am a migrant myself and as an expectant mother, everything that can be seen in this video represents a society in which I do not want to raise my child.”

The mayors of the Sylt communities also criticized the incident. “We have zero tolerance for these chants. This behavior is repulsive to us and completely unacceptable. We will not tolerate it,” they said in a statement on Friday on Sylt. The community leaders and the representatives of the tourism companies and associations are against racism, xenophobia and misanthropy in every form. They therefore welcomed the fact that the bar operators have taken a very clear stance.

The statement continues: “People from 113 nations live peacefully together on Sylt. We welcome tourists from many countries. In these days, when the Basic Law is 75 years old, while liberal democracy is under attack, we at Sylt would like to make it very clear: Such guests do not need to come to Sylt again. They are cordially uninvited. Because we are a cosmopolitan island.”

The Independent Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination, Ferda Ataman, condemned the incident as “blatant racism, which is increasingly penetrating all social groups and age groups and is being openly expressed,” she told the news agency DPA, adding: “The images obviously do not come from a Nazi bar, but from a posh bar in Sylt. But racism must never again become the norm in Germany.” She demanded consequences.

Police and public prosecutor investigate

According to initial findings, the incident occurred on the Whitsun weekend. The investigations by the Flensburg public prosecutor’s office and the police are initially directed against the people “who are obviously singing along to the above-mentioned statements or making signs in the video”. However, it cannot be ruled out that there are other suspects who are not visible in this video. Initial clues about people involved are being followed up.

This is not the first time that racist outbursts have occurred in connection with the song “L’amour Toujours”. In Lower Bavaria, the police investigated a possible incident at a carnival parade in January. Previously, similar incidents had brought investigators to the scene in Landsberg am Lech in Upper Bavaria, among other places.

Note: This article has been updated with additional information

lz / mkb

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