Sweet breakfast idea: a breakfast pizza with oatmeal

A healthy start to the day
Sweet breakfast idea: nutrient-rich breakfast pizza with oatmeal

Here you can eat too: the breakfast pizza is decorated with different fruits and looks like a rainbow

© rez-art / Getty Images

A healthy breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. Are you looking for a change from bread, rolls or muesli? A colorful breakfast pizza is convincing in terms of appearance, taste and nutrients. The recipe.

Nutrient-rich breakfast ideas are now a dime a dozen – from trendy avocado bread to exotic smoothie bowls, everything is included. A colorful breakfast pizza is just as cool – topped with different types of fruit, it not only impresses the taste buds.

Pizza for breakfast? That sounds almost too good to be true – after all, the first meal of the day should provide the body with as many nutrients as possible. But what are the characteristics of a healthy, balanced breakfast? Opinions differ here. The German Nutrition Society recommends a serving of fruit or vegetables, whole grain products, plenty of protein and enough liquid, preferably in the form of unsweetened tea and water.

This sweet breakfast pizza combines complex carbohydrates, high-quality protein and plenty of vitamins – making it the ideal basis for the rest of the day.

Delicious nutrient bomb

Oatmeal forms the basis of the pizza dough. They contain numerous vitamins and minerals such as iron, biotin, silicon, calcium, zinc and magnesium – and thus strengthen the skin, hair, nails and nerves. Since oatmeal is high in long-chain carbohydrates, they ensure that blood sugar levels remain stable throughout the day. Banana and honey provide a natural sweetness, and they also hold the dough together. Bananas in particular score with an excellent nutrient profile and contain, among other things, magnesium and potassium – essential minerals for muscles and nerves.

Vegans can replace the honey with a vegetable syrup. In principle everything works here, the only important thing is that the syrup sticks well and can combine the remaining ingredients. Chia and flax seeds are veritable omega-3 bombs and nourish the body from front to back. They strengthen the heart and brain, promote digestion and contribute to long-lasting satiety.

Instead of tomato sauce, Skyr finds its way onto the nutrient-rich pizza base. The Icelandic cream cheese provides high-quality protein, calcium and probiotic bacteria, which nurture the intestinal flora. Vegans use plant-based yogurt – here you can find out, for example, how you can make your own oat yogurt.

The topping creates an irresistible look. Use whatever fruit you have at home and give the pizza an individual touch. Berries, tangerines or apple wedges are good choices. Especially dark berries such as blueberries provide plenty of antioxidants, trace elements, vitamins and minerals. In addition to various fresh types of fruit, nuts, cocoa nibs or desiccated coconut give the pizza an exciting note. Let your imagination run wild – bon appetit!

Recipe for a colorful breakfast pizza


  • 1 banana
  • 20 grams of honey (or agave syrup)
  • 1 tablespoon of crushed flaxseed
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 60 grams of oatmeal
  • ½ teaspoon Ceylon cinnamon
  • Some vanilla or tonka bean
  • 100 grams of Skyr (or a herbal alternative)
  • Fruit / berries of your choice
  • Toppings of your choice, for example nuts, desiccated coconut, cocoa chips
  • Some honey (or agave syrup)


  1. Mash the banana with a fork. Add the honey, flax and chia seeds, oat flakes, Ceylon cinnamon and vanilla and mix together.
  2. Place the mixture on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and shape into a pizza base.
  3. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C for about 15 minutes, allow to cool a little.
  4. Brush with Skyr or a vegetable alternative.
  5. Cover with fruit or berries in a circle.
  6. Add toppings of your choice and finally drizzle with honey.
  7. Serve.

Sources: German Nutrition Society, NDR

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