Swedish Royals: Estelle and Oscar send Christmas greetings

Swedish royals
Estelle and Oscar send Christmas greetings

Prince Oscar and Princess Estelle in Stockholm Palace Church.

© Sara Friberg, Kungl. Hovstaterna / The Royal Court of Sweden

Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar of Sweden shot a video for the 4th Advent. In it they send a pre-Christmas greeting.

Princess Estelle (9) and Prince Oscar (5) of Sweden greet the 4th Advent: The children of Crown Princess Victoria (44) and Prince Daniel (48) can be seen in a cute video that shows the royal family on Instagram and YouTube published. Estelle and Oscar enter the palace church in Stockholm and then walk forward, holding hands, towards the altar. Estelle stands there and smiles proudly and introduces the text of the Swedish Christmas carol “När det lider mot jul” by Jeanna Oterdahl (1879-1965).

Among other things, it says: “It is a time of light and shine / And the stars will shine brightest / And where there is light, there is also Christmas.” Then her little brother Oscar is allowed to light the fourth candle on the Advent wreath. “God Jul”, meaning “Merry Christmas”, the two call into the camera at the end. Then they listen to a sextet of the Livgardets dragonmusikkår, the wind band of the Swedish life guards, who play the Christmas carol composed by Ruben Liljefors (1871-1936).

Festively dressed for the 4th Advent

Both dressed up for the video: Estelle wears a red dress with embroidery, white tights and black ballerinas. The front section of her hair is pinned back with a red bow. Oscar has thrown himself into a dark Norwegian sweater with a white shirt, with matching jeans and sneakers.


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