Sweden’s NATO accession: top-level meeting to solve Turkish blockade

Status: 06.07.2023 18:04

Before the NATO summit, Secretary General Stoltenberg wants to mediate in the accession dispute between Turkey and Sweden – with a meeting between the heads of government. A positive result is “absolutely possible”.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg is counting on Turkey lifting its blockade on Sweden joining the alliance next week. Stoltenberg said after mediation talks in Brussels that he would organize a meeting with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan shortly before the NATO summit next Monday.

In doing so, he wanted to “close the gap” between the two countries, said Stoltenberg. The foreign ministers of Sweden and Turkey, as well as secret service representatives from both countries, had previously met at NATO headquarters. There had been “good progress”, reported Stoltenberg.

Stoltenberg optimistic

It is “absolutely possible” to come to a positive decision. Any further delays would only be welcomed by the banned Kurdish Workers’ Party PKK and Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said.

According to Stoltenberg, the talks with Kristersson and Erdogan are to be organized in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, where the NATO summit begins on Tuesday. In the event of an agreement, the summit would not be burdened by disputes on the issue.

Kristersson met US President Joe Biden in Washington on Wednesday, who again pledged his support.

PKK first as terrorist organization classified

At the press conference, Stoltenberg also referred to a judgment that had been made in Stockholm a few hours earlier. A Kurd, originally from Turkey, was sentenced to four and a half years in prison in the Swedish capital for attempted extortion, serious weapons offenses and attempted terrorist financing.

The court found him guilty of attempting to force a Kurdish businessman in Stockholm at gunpoint to hand over money to the banned Kurdish Workers’ Party PKK.

According to the presiding judge Mans Wigen, a Swedish court classified the PKK as a terrorist organization for the first time. However, Sweden’s NATO application had no influence on the court’s decision, he emphasized.

Türkiye and Hungary block accession

Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership in May 2022 in light of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Finland has been a member since the beginning of April.

Besides Hungary, Turkey is the only one of the 31 NATO countries whose parliament has not yet ratified Sweden’s act of accession. Turkey accuses Sweden of being a haven for “terrorists,” meaning members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). In addition, Erdogan recently expressed sharp criticism of a Koran burning in Stockholm.

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