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The European Union in discussion on the blocking of sanctions by Hungary

In the context of the discussions concerning the embargo on Russian oil, refused as it stands by Hungary, and the French proposal, received with suspicion by kyiv, to create a “European political community” for the countries awaiting accession, the head of Lithuanian diplomacy, Gabrielius Landsbergis, declared on his arrival at the headquarters of the European Council:

The whole Union is unfortunately taken hostage by a Member State which cannot help us find a consensus.

His Austrian counterpart, Alexander Schallenberg, for his part, lamented:

We are very good in Europe at always showing ourselves in disagreement, so as not to give an image of unity. We are in a situation of confrontation.

A landlocked country, without access to the sea, Hungary depends on the oil brought from Russia by the Druzhba pipeline. Budapest blocks the entire sixth package of sanctions, for lack of guarantees on the maintenance of its supply. Mr Landsbergis went so far as to suggest that Ukraine cut off the pipeline that crosses its territory to Hungary, arguing: “If the traffic is stopped, the problem will be solved. »

European Commission Vice-President Josep Borrell of Spain, who is chairing the meeting, warned:

We will do our best to resolve the situation. But I can’t guarantee that’s going to happen, because the positions are quite strong.

“There are still a few points that need to be clarified. That won’t happen today.”confirmed German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock. “But we will reach a common result in the next few days. I’m confident “she assured.

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