Sustainable Funds: What Investors Need to Know About the Taxonomy – Economy

Sustainable funds


What investors need to know about the taxonomy

Reading time: 3 mins

Sustainable funds: The Gaisburg gas power plant: The EU is now assessing the climate-friendliness of the power plants.

The Gaisburg gas power plant: The EU is now assessing the climate-friendliness of the power plants.

(Photo: Sebastian Gollnow/picture alliance/dpa)

The EU Commission’s controversial set of rules is a done deal. But what does it mean for savers? What do you have to watch out for in the future? Answers to the most important questions.


Jan Diesteldorf, Frankfurt, Björn Finke, Brussels, and Harald Freiberger

For a long time there was a heated debate, on Wednesday the time had come: the EU Commission decided what should apply in its so-called taxonomy for nuclear and gas power plants. The classification system is intended to accelerate the transition to a climate-neutral European economy. Which rules are coming and what they mean for investors – the most important questions and answers.

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