Suspicious death of a wild boar on a beach covered in green algae

The debate on the dangerousness of green algae is relaunched after the discovery on Sunday noon of a dead wild boar on the beach in the town of Hillion (Côtes-d’Armor), in the bay of Saint-Brieuc. The animal’s corpse was removed by the French biodiversity office (OFB). A gendarmerie investigation has been opened and an autopsy should be carried out this Monday in order to understand what the wild boar died of, indicates West France.

“Everything suggests that the causes of the death of this particularly robust animal are to be found in the putrefaction of green algae stranded massively for months,” says the Stop the green tides association.

In 2011, 36 wild boars died in the same area. It was also on a Hillion beach covered in green algae that a jogger died in September 2016. Seized by the victim’s family and environmental associations, the courts nevertheless considered that the causal link between the presence of algae and the death of the jogger could not be established.

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