Survey: Two thirds of Germans see peace in Europe under threat

Opinion poll
Two thirds of Germans see peace in Europe under threat

A clear majority of 70 percent believe that Europe is safer because of the EU. photo

© Monika Skolimowska/dpa

The Russian war of aggression is causing fears of escalation to rise dramatically. 67 percent fear for security in Europe – an increase of 28 percentage points.

According to a survey, Germans’ fear of war increased significantly after Russia invaded Ukraine. Two thirds (67 percent) of German citizens see security and peace in Europe is strongly or very seriously threatened, as the published ARD “Germany Trend” shows. This is an increase of 28 percentage points compared to February 2019.

The Ukraine conflict has recently become significantly more important again in the minds of Germans: the Russian war of aggression is one of the most important problems for 21 percent of those surveyed – an increase of twelve percentage points compared to September 2023. Only the complex of immigration and flight was rated as more important.

For the representative survey, the Infratest dimap institute surveyed more than 1,300 eligible voters on Tuesday and Wednesday.

A good two months before the European elections, a clear majority of 70 percent believe that Europe is safer thanks to the EU. Six out of ten Germans even support a joint army between the EU states.

82 percent say: NATO is important

Most Germans also have a positive view of the NATO military alliance, which is celebrating its 75th anniversary this week: 82 percent say the transatlantic alliance is important to secure peace in Europe – a value that is lower in comparison to a survey in March 2022 remained stable. Only one in ten disagreed. More than two thirds also believe that a military alliance with the USA is in Europe’s interest. Only nine percent of those surveyed believe that NATO is unnecessary and should be disbanded.

In recent weeks, US presidential candidate Donald Trump has caused a stir and concern among members of the alliance with statements critical of NATO. Trump recently made it clear that he would not provide American support to allies who, in his view, had too little defense spending in the event of a Russian attack. In an interview, he also said that one should not forget that NATO is more important for Europe than for the USA, because there is an ocean, “a beautiful, big, wonderful ocean” between the USA and “some problems” in Europe.


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