Survey results revealed!! Most people buy NFTs in the hopes of ‘making a profit’, and a small percentage buy them to collect.

actionexploreAccording to DEXterlab, most NFT investors buy because they want to ‘make a profit’ and only a minority of respondents are digital art collectors who buy them to keep.

According to the study, more than 64% of NFT investors said they bought NFT to “make money,” stating that NFT investments can be profitable for investors when they make the right buying decisions. An example is the Blocksmith Labs collection, which will give investors 26 times profit in three months.

source: DEXTERlab

while the second reason most investors enter this area is to have a sense of belonging by being part of the community and The “flexibility” of owning certain NFTs.

Reportedly, investments in certain projects can be linked to their strong communities, for example Bored Apes is a good example.

“BAYC holders can access additional NFT collectibles for free or attend special events.”

Only 12.4% of respondents are digital art collectors who purchase these items, with the remaining 8.6% of NFT investors purchasing assets for game-related purposes such as accessing special in-game features and tools.

meanwhile The average investor is willing to pay between $50-500 for the purchase of those NFT assets.

Most NFT investors are unprofitable.

While most NFT investors say they want to make money. But most have not profited from their investments in this area. According to reports, approximately 58% of NFT investors have not profited from this area. On the other hand, the remaining 42% claim that NFT investments have allowed them. get good returns

However, investing in free NFT projects like will generate more than 200% profit for investors in the last thirty days.

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