Survey: Majority of Germans see danger from alcohol advertising

Opinion poll
The majority of Germans see danger from alcohol advertising

A large majority of Germans are of the opinion that alcohol advertising should point out a health risk. photo

© Silas Stein/dpa

Does alcohol advertising affect beer and wine consumption? According to a survey, Germans have a clear opinion on this.

Two thirds of Germans see one According to a survey, alcohol advertising poses a risk that young people will start drinking beer, wine and schnapps earlier. 24 percent of those surveyed agreed with the statement “Yes, definitely.” 42 percent are of the opinion that this is “somewhat” true. This emerges from a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the health insurance company DAK-Gesundheit, which was available to the German Press Agency. 29 percent voted “No, probably not” and only 2 percent voted “No, definitely not.” The remaining 3 percent said they didn’t know.

The Federal Drug Commissioner Burkhard Blienert called on politicians to adopt strict advertising and sponsorship rules. “Advertising works, especially with children and young people,” he said. “The more often and earlier children and young people see advertising for alcohol, the more likely they are to try alcoholic drinks.”

In general, 79 percent of those surveyed are of the opinion that alcohol advertising should point out a health risk. 19 percent believe that a warning about the danger of alcohol consumption is not necessary. According to the survey, women and the group of 14 to 20 year olds are slightly more likely to be in favor of such a notice than men and older people. Cigarette packs already point out the dangers of smoking.

“We need a rethink when dealing with the advertising of addictive substances,” demanded DAK boss Andreas Storm. In addition to the introduction of warnings, education and targeted campaigns are important building blocks in addiction prevention.

According to the information from July 18, the Forsa Institute conducted the survey. 1,253 people aged 14 and over nationwide by August 1st.


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