Survey: Majority of citizens consider loosening of corona to be premature

opinion poll
The majority of citizens consider the relaxation of the corona virus to be premature

“We welcome everyone” and 2G and 3G crossed out hangs in the window of a shoe shop in downtown Dortmund. Photo: Bernd Thissen/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The nationwide requirements for protection against the corona virus are expiring and will only apply to so-called hotspots in the future. But most citizens consider the easing to be premature.

According to a survey, a clear majority of citizens consider the corona easing to be premature.

The lifting of nationwide uniform measures, which came into force on March 20, came too early from the point of view of 65 percent of those surveyed, according to a survey published on Tuesday by the opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL.

Only 32 percent found the expiration of the regulations, for example at work or in transport, correct despite the high number of infections – mostly only the supporters of the FDP and the AfD. The rejection was greatest among the Green voters with 79 percent.

More than two-thirds (69 percent) of those surveyed believe that masks should remain compulsory in most areas for the time being. Only 11 percent were in favor of a complete abolition.

According to this latest survey, 61 percent of citizens think that the introduction of general corona vaccination for all adults over the age of 18 is right – here the SPD supporters are ahead with 74 percent among the parties represented in the Bundestag, the rejection is with the AfD voters largest (92 percent). However, according to Forsa, only 16 percent believe that this compulsory vaccination will actually be introduced.


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