Survey: Habeck loses a lot of voters’ favor

Opinion poll
Habeck lost a lot of voters’ favor

Robert Habeck is currently under a lot of pressure. photo

© Frank Molter/dpa

Recently there was plenty of headwind for the Federal Minister of Economics. This is also reflected in the polls.

In a survey by Infratest dimap, Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck has had to accept a significant drop in the voters’ favor in recent weeks. Only 30 percent are satisfied with his work in the new ARD “Germany trend”, five percentage points less than in mid-April, as the ARD announced.

According to the broadcaster, this is the worst value of his tenure as a minister. The Green politician is under pressure because of controversial plans to replace heating systems and personal details in his ministry.

At the top of the list of politicians is Defense Minister Boris Pistorius. 52 percent are satisfied with the work of the SPD politician. Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) reached 44 percent, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) 35, Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) 33 and CDU leader Friedrich Merz 29 percent.

The federal government as a whole is also not doing well with voters at the moment. 69 percent are dissatisfied with the government’s work, two percentage points less than in April. Only 28 percent of those entitled to vote are satisfied with the performance of the traffic light coalition (+1).

There is little change in the Sunday question. According to a survey in a federal election on Sunday, the strongest force would continue to be the Union with an unchanged 30 percent. The SPD loses one point to 17 percent. The Greens lose a point and are currently at 16 percent. The AfD would be tied (+1). The FDP remains at 7 percent, the left would just get into the Bundestag with 5 percent (+1).


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