Surveillance camera convicted victim stock thieves – district of Munich

“God’s eye is everywhere, so don’t steal my ruler” – this reference to supernatural surveillance methods was not taken too seriously as a schoolboy and so one or the other schoolchild found the addition to the rhyme: “…but he doesn’t snitch. ” The certainty that the Lord God is watching thieves and other vicious contemporaries in their sordid doings, but not betraying them to the police, may have also reassured a couple when on October 7th and 8th, 2021 the Holy Cross entered the church in Obergiesing and had something else in mind than praying.

The two, a 31-year-old from the district of Munich and his homeless companion of the same age, tried in vain on the first day of the crime to break open the offering box under the eyes of the crucified Christ. The next day one of the two people appeared alone for the same purpose. Both times they didn’t take a penny, but escaped unnoticed. At least they thought so. Six months later, they have now received a visit from the police. The Lord God didn’t snitch this time either, it was rather high-quality video recordings from a surveillance camera placed in the church room, which allowed the criminals to see clearly and the thieving duo now has to answer before an earthly court for particularly serious cases of theft.

In a second case, too, it was not heavenly whistleblowers that led the investigators on the trail of a burglar months after the crime, but modern methods of securing evidence. A 16-year-old from Munich looked just as surprised as the two robbers when the police were at his door three months after an attempted break-in in Pullach. On the weekend of 22/23 On January 1, the young person tried to gain access to a sales stand on Bahnhofstrasse by force, which he failed. In addition to damage of several thousand euros, he also left his genetic fingerprint at the crime scene, from which Commissariat 52, in cooperation with the DNA evaluation at the Bavarian State Criminal Police Office, scored a hit. Certainly with the blessing of God.

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