Surgery on Joe Biden: Doctors remove polyp from President’s colon

Possible cancer precursor
Surgery on Joe Biden – Doctors remove polyp from President’s colon

Joe Biden did what older people in particular should do regularly: he was to prevent colon cancer.

© Chris Kleponis – CNP / MediaPunch / Picture Alliance

A polyp has been removed from the colon of the US president. The tissue appears benign, writes his doctor. If left untreated, however, such polyps are considered to be a preliminary stage of cancer.

Joe Biden has now also experienced firsthand how important colon cancer screening is. According to his doctor, the US President had a “benign-looking” polyp removed from his colon.

The tubular adenoma was around three millimeters in size, wrote doctor Kevin O’Connor in a memorandum that the White House in Washington published on Wednesday (local time). An adenoma is a slowly growing tumor that is considered a possible precursor to cancer. No further measures are currently necessary.

The tissue should now be examined after the removal last Friday, it said in the letter dated Tuesday. O’Connor recommended routine observation and another colonoscopy in seven to ten years. Biden had undergone a colonoscopy under general anesthesia the day before his 79th birthday at Walter Reed Military Hospital near Washington.

Joe Biden briefly gave office to Kamala Harris

For the duration of the procedure, the president briefly passed his official duties on to his vice-president, Kamala Harris. This was the first time in the history of the United States that a woman was at the helm for around an hour and a half. It is routine for US presidents to be examined at the Walter Reed Hospital at least once a year.

Polyps in the intestine are not uncommon, they are said to occur in around ten percent of the population, especially in people aged around 55 and over. Doctors therefore recommend prevention. The polyps are usually small and benign at first. However, if they are not removed at this stage, they can develop into colon cancer.

Sources: Memorandum from Joe Biden’s doctor,

Possible precursor cancer: surgery on Joe Biden - Doctors remove polyp from the President's colon

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