Support for the Moroccan selection on the front page of the “Jerusalem Post”? Not quite

A “memorable” or even “historic” One. The front page of the Israeli daily in English language, The Jerusalem Postshowed this Wednesday an unfailing support for the Moroccan football team, a few hours before a historic semi-final for the Atlas Lions against France.

“We are all Moroccans” is written there, on a photomontage showing Jerusalem and below, Walid Regragui, the Moroccan coach, and players from the Moroccan team.

This support for the Moroccan team is not, however, the front page of the newspaper, as several Internet users have argued. This is an advertisement, like explained it on Twitter Yaakov Katz, the newspaper’s editor. “It seems that one of our readers is a big fan of the Moroccan team and I understand it: it was a pleasure to watch them play,” he said, before wishing good luck to the selection. African.

A Moroccan flag, again an advertisement, also appears on the full page inside the newspaper. The identity of the person who paid to display this support for Moroccans has not been disclosed.

This is not the first time that a full-page advertisement has appeared on the front page of the newspaper, as noted by Lahav Harkov, one of the title’s journalists, who called the ad “memorable”.

The French Embassy in Israel entered the game, showing his support to the Blues by covering the advertisement with a French flag. While waiting for the kick-off at 8 p.m., find all the latest information on this historic meeting in our live.

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