Supply failed: no more petrol at Iran’s petrol stations

Status: 10/26/2021 5:05 p.m.

In Iran, people have not been able to fill up with petrol since noon. The supply at all gas stations in the country has failed. The government blames a cyber attack.

In Iran, the gasoline supply has failed nationwide. As reported by state television, the Supreme National Security Council is assuming a cyber attack on the computer system for gasoline distribution. Who should be responsible for this is apparently unclear – at least no information was given. A spokesman for the National Society for the Distribution of Fuel Products said an emergency meeting would be held on the situation.

Cards for cheaper fuel no longer worked

The gasoline supply had been cut around noon. The state media showed pictures of closed petrol stations and of increasingly long queues of vehicles.

As the Iranian Petrol Station Association announced, filling up with the state-subsidized petrol card had initially stopped working in many petrol stations. Most Iranians are dependent on this card due to the country’s economic problems, with which the gasoline costs only half the actual price.

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Filiz Kükrekol, ARD Istanbul, 10/26/2021 6:23 p.m.

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