Supplementary budget: Union wants to switch on Karlsruhe

Status: 14.12.2021 4:07 p.m.

The Union has announced a norm review suit against the supplementary budget of Finance Minister Lindner. Since the planned new debt is not completely required for corona costs, he had shifted 60 billion euros to the coming years.

Only yesterday the coalition approved the supplementary budget of the new Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner for 60 billion euros. Now the Union faction in the Bundestag doubts the constitutionality of the budget and wants to have it checked in Karlsruhe.

The point is that unused credit authorizations should be used for other government projects from the SPD, Greens and FDP. “This is a paradigm shift in budgetary policy,” said Union parliamentary group leader Ralph Brinkhaus.

That is why there will be tough discussions in the Bundestag on Thursday. The supplementary budget will then be discussed at first reading.

Regulatory review action announced

Brinkhaus announced together with CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt a norm review suit. Dobrindt explained: “Anyone who replaces financial policy with financial acrobatics moves very quickly outside the legal framework.”

The lawsuit is necessary in order to have it checked “whether there is a deliberate circumvention”. In its coalition agreement, the traffic light has committed itself to complying with the debt brake again in 2023. It must be checked whether attempts are now being made to circumvent this.

Exception to the debt brake only due to Corona

In fact, the federal government was only allowed to take out so many new loans this year because it made an exception to the debt brake anchored in the Basic Law with a view to the corona pandemic.

The reallocation of parts of these funds for the fight against climate change in the coming years is therefore considered constitutionally controversial.

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