“Super Mario” and “Tetris” at the cinema, “Zelda” back… What are your cuddly video games?

All in mustache and overalls, he arrives at the cinema. Who is that ? Super Mario of course. Nintendo’s cult plumber (?!?) is the hero, along with his brother Luigi and Princess Peach, of Super Mario Bros, the movie. Chance of the calendar, the film Tetris was released the previous week and looked back on the genesis of this Russian video game, which has also become cult.

In terms of video game news, several ultra-famous franchises from the 1990s will soon be making their comebacks with new episodes, whether Diablo Or Zelda. In any case, these news provoke nostalgia for Generation X players. The one who experienced the Sega vs. Nintendo opposition, the one who experienced the transition from 16 to 32 and then 64 bits…

Of Zelda To Animal Crossing

Whether Super Mario And Zelda are still such strong brands today, it is thanks to the nostalgia (and the wallet) of people in their forties who, in particular, want to introduce their children to the games of their youth. The Super Mario Bros trailer has the effect of a Proust madeleine and immediately provokes a whiff of nostalgia for anyone who has ever held a Super Nintendo controller in their hands.

But since the 1990s, other games have gained this status of cult and transgenerational work that acts as a comforting security blanket. During the confinements linked to Covid-19, millions of players have, for example, discovered the reassuring universe ofAnimal Crossingand come back regularly to find this fluffy cocoon…

And you, do you have any comforter video games? Are you attached to those of your childhood? If so, which ones and why? Or on the contrary, have you discovered more recent games that bring you comfort and joie de vivre? In short, tell us which games make you feel good… Your answers, in the form below or in comments to the article, will be used to write a future article.

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