Super cheaters – this is how men with two families trick their wives

double life
Super Cheaters: How men with two families trick their wives

Most of them are men, but there are also women with double lives

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Bestselling author Adele Parks tracks down men with two families for her new thriller. A phenomenon that occurs more frequently. She marvels at the brazen lies these cheaters wrap their wives in.

Adele Parks has been writing worldwide bestsellers for 21 years, one a year. She did extensive research for her latest work “Both Of You”. In the thriller, a man plays with two wives, lives and families who know nothing about each other. Of course, the murderous plot in which both women suddenly disappear is pure fiction, the characters with unsuspecting partners are not.

In researching her book, Parks met many real cases and the female victims of the bigamists. According to Parks, all the men were very self-confident, even when faced with the brazen lies, they assumed that they were invincible. “They think they are such good liars that they can always fool everyone.”

Often when travelling

The phrase “opportunity makes the thief” is also important. Most cheaters have to travel for work, which gives them the chance to live two parallel lives. That is not necessary. Parks met a man whose wives lived less than 15 miles apart. Adrian L. simply pretended to his wife Liz that he had to go to Wales for work. In fact, he lived a short distance away with kindergarten teacher Hayley T. Of course, he also entered into the bond of marriage with her. In bureaucratic Germany, such men mostly avoid marriage. It’s easy to marry multiple times in Britain if you’re willing to give false information. They will not be checked.

For the second, Haley, Adrian chose marriage on a dream beach. Adrian had a special gift for her. He persuaded his first wife, Liz, to renovate and redecorate the second’s vacation home. He just pretended the apartment belonged to his boss. Then Adrian got tangled in a web of lies. His unsuspecting mother wrote a letter to his first wife. The old woman shared with Liz L. her sadness at the marital failure, divorce, and surprise at her son’s speedy new marriage. Liz L. was flabbergasted.

For the woman, such a discovery is more than a shock. Alongside legal and financial woes, her own story is flipped in a second, from a happy relationship to a years-long scam. After her husband was convicted, Lisa L. admitted: “He was hardly punished, but I have to live with looking like a gullible idiot for the rest of my life. I will never be able to trust a man again. It ruined my life.” She was married to police officer Martin C. for 25 years. For more than six years he had another woman, whom he also married.

egomaniacs and scammers

Mary T. had her husband William fool her into believing that he was a CIA agent working with Britain’s MI5. “When he first told me he worked for the CIA, it was really exciting… it felt a bit like dating Superman.” Mary T. got wrapped up, today she calls the ex a “super rat”. The gullible Mary allowed herself to be led into believing that gangsters would blackmail her lover. She sold her home and belongings to help him. This is how he stole £200,000. Money that William really needed for his extended families. “I was psychologically manipulated like that,” Mary said. “He stopped me from connecting with my family, my friends and everyone else. In just over a year he took everything from me.”

After a year of “marriage,” her life was financially and emotionally devastated. William’s punishment, on the other hand, was light. For this and other cases, he spent 2.5 years in prison before being deported to his homeland, the USA.

Source: The Sun

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