Sunset on the ISS: The crew sees this sight 16 times a day

Watch the video: Sunset on the ISS – the crew sees this breathtaking sight 16 times a day.

Sunsets are not only fascinating on earth. This spectacular image shows the sunset seen from orbit. The picture was taken on the International Space Station ISS 415 kilometers above Brazil. Sunsets are not only fascinating on earth. This spectacular image shows the sunset seen from orbit. The picture was taken on the International Space Station ISS 415 kilometers above Brazil. The Earth’s atmosphere itself can be seen in the image as a dark blue glow. The cloud cover appears to be a shimmering border between the sun and black nothing. For the astronauts on the ISS, this sight is not uncommon. The space station orbits the earth every 93 minutes. That means you’ll see 16 such sunrises and sunsets in a 24-hour period. ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst shows what a sunrise like this can look like on Twitter on Twitter.

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