Sun: Video shows 264,000 km long canyon of fire

Watch the video: 264,000 kilometers long – video shows gigantic canyon of fire on the sun.

The images taken come from the solar research satellite “Solar Dynamics Observatory”. of NASA. The canyon is about 20,000 kilometers deep and about 264,000 kilometers long. For comparison, the Grand Canyon in Arizona is 1.6 kilometers deep and 446 kilometers long.
The Fire Canyon has resulted in plasma bursts and eruptions. As a result, geomagnetic storms reach the earth – albeit probably only in mild form. This means there will likely be a higher presence of auroras in the sky in the coming days. Also, the geomagnetic storms can cause some interference with satellites and electronics.
It’s not the first time we’ve witnessed a canyon of fire on the sun. In 2013, Nasa released this video of a massive crack in the sun. This gorge was even around 60,000 kilometers longer than the current one.

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