Summoned to act by the administrative court, the State appeals

The remonstration was not really to the taste of the state services. On July 18, the Rennes administrative court pointed out the lack of action by the authorities to stem the scourge of green algae in Brittany, finding that the measures taken in 2021 were “not sufficiently demanding, nor sufficiently restrictive. » Seized of an appeal filed in the fall of 2022 by the Water and Rivers of Brittany association, the administrative court thus gave the regional prefect four months to review his copy and take more effective measures.

“A major legal decision” was then welcomed by the environmental association, engaged for forty years in the fight against green algae. Two months later, the State has just appealed the administrative court’s judgment, we learned this Wednesday. The prefect of the Brittany region first believes that the sixth action plan (PAR), revised in 2022, “reinforced in a balanced manner the measures applying in the eight green algae bays. »

The regional prefect defends his action

He also indicates that his action is not limited to simple PAR. As proof, he cites the decrees taken in September 2022 by the prefects of Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor to reduce the flow of nitrogen arriving in watercourses. “The planned measures are being implemented in the territories concerned and are likely to become obligatory on an individual basis for farmers,” indicates the regional prefecture in a press release.

In addition to the regulatory aspect, the authorities also ensure that “financial levers have been activated through the regional plan to combat green algae”, the financiers of this plan “having doubled their contribution for the period 2022-2027 with an amount of 130 million euros. »

The State finally mentions “the specific support” which was provided to farmers to “support them in the agroecological transition. » “This strengthening of incentive schemes must contribute to achieving the long-term objectives of reducing nitrate inputs into waterways,” assures the prefecture. Currently being developed, a seventh regional action program to combat nitrate pollution should soon be presented.

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