Summit in Budapest: Xi and Orban agree on “strategic partnership”

As of: May 10, 2024 12:22 a.m

At the end of his visit to Europe, Chinese President Xi announced a “golden journey” in Hungary with joint economic and infrastructure projects. Both countries announced the conclusion of numerous agreements.

Chinese President Xi Jinping held talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest on the last stop of his European trip. A “comprehensive strategic partnership” has been agreed between the two countries, both politicians said in a joint statement broadcast by Hungarian state television.

On the sidelines of the visit, the delegations signed numerous intergovernmental agreements. Xi announced a “golden journey” with joint economic and infrastructure projects. Hungarian state television, which was the only one allowed to attend the ceremony on the Hungarian side, did not provide any specific information.

Xi calls for “bigger role in the EU” for Hungary

Xi acknowledged that relations between the two countries are at “the best level in their history.” After the meeting with Orban, Xi called on him to work for better relations between China and the European Union: Hungary should “play a larger role in the EU and push for a new and better development of relations between China and the EU “.

Orban said that both countries have always been close friends. Chinese companies would secure tens of thousands of jobs in Hungary today. The country wants to take advantage of the opportunities that would arise from high-quality Chinese investments in the field of e-mobility and from Chinese technology transfer.

The Chinese and Hungarian negotiating partners in Budapest at the same table

Xi for further expansion of relations

Xi spoke out in favor of further expanding relations. “We both believe that the traditional friendship between our countries stands on solid foundations,” he said. The Chinese President also visited Budapest to mark the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hungary and China.

Hungary was the last stop on Xi Jinping’s European trip, which previously took him to France and Serbia. He wanted to leave Budapest on Friday. Hungary is the only EU country to take part in China’s controversial New Silk Road infrastructure and investment initiative.

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