“Summer House of the Stars”: Cojones against quail eggs

“Summer house of the stars”
Cojones versus quail eggs

Eric’s (l.) couples therapy for Aleks escalates, Zico has to intervene.

© Photo: RTL

Eric intervenes in Aleks and Vanessa’s couple’s argument. This almost goes wrong at first, but shows long-term success in the “summer house of the stars”.

Fourth episode of “That Sommerhaus der Stars” (Tuesday, 8:15 p.m. on RTL – also on RTL+) – the first without Claudia Obert (62). The grand dame of trash TV was voted out together with partner Max (25) as the first couple of the season. ” “I drove my performance to the wall,” sums up the entrepreneur. This means that the only participant who sees the show (and life) as performance art and a champagne party is leaving the format. There remain “fun-stoppers” (Obert quote). see the “summer house” as bloody seriousness.

Aleks and Vanessa at their lowest point

Aleks Petrovic (32) and Vanessa Nwattu (23) are no longer just fighting for 50,000 euros, but also against themselves. The “Temptation Islands” couple is increasingly tearing each other apart. He accuses her of having “betrayed” him because she brings the internals of her relationship stress into the group. She said that he pinched her hip during an interview. A no-go for the other participants.

Aleks, whose biggest fear is being seen as a “toxic man”, finds himself increasingly caught up in a vicious circle. He thinks he has to be loud to be heard. But Vanessa just looks at him with cold contempt. Which triggers him even more.

Not a good prerequisite for the first game. The pairs have to use ropes to move a floating platform on which they have to pocket balls in the correct order. Alex and Vanessa reach the lowest point in their relationship. At some point he bucks like a little child and throws everything down.

Valentina and Can perform strongly again

The other couples also have a hard time with the task. Only two teams solve it: Maurice Dziwak (25) and Ricarda Raatz (31) as well as Valentina Doronina (23) and Can Kaplan (27). The latter are once again proving to be a phenomenon. Although they are struggling again this time, they are performing well in all games. They are faster than Maurice and Ricarda and are therefore once again safe from a nomination.

At the beginning of the season, Can and Valentina were what Aleks and Vanessa are now. But now they have internally stabilized due to external rejection from most other couples.

Couples therapy for the Stehfests is fruitful indirectly

Aleks and Vanessa are far from that. “Men in this form need help,” says Eric Stehfest (34). With his wife Edith, he asks the crisis couple for couples therapy. “It doesn’t work for us to watch it” (Eric). “There seems to be something about you that makes you go beyond your wife’s boundaries,” he says to Aleks. It now needs to be clarified whether Aleks physically attacked Vanessa or not. To pinch or not, is the question.

Aleks denies being physically violent towards his girlfriend. She also backtracks; she no longer wants to describe Alek’s touch during the interview as pinching.

Eric’s intervention ends with him almost fighting with Aleks when he tries to demonstrate what he considers pinching. The otherwise so controlled actor even briefly uses toxic street jargon: “One move, Digger.”

Nevertheless, the Stehfest initiative was successful, even if it was rather unplanned. Vanessa and Aleks are so shocked by the effect of their argument on those around them that from then on they pull themselves together and pull themselves together.

In the next game, the “Temptation Island” couple’s new harmony will be put to the test. Because it really gets down to business. The men have to guess what their partners said in advance about the respective relationship: favorite sex position, biggest turn-off, etc. If the man is wrong, the woman is doused with disgusting liquids.

The game is the expected accelerant for couple trouble, especially the question of who is more intelligent causes calculated trouble. But Aleks and Vanessa do surprisingly well. However, Ricarda and Maurice perform even better. The eternal runners-up finally win a game and, like Can and Valentina, are safe.

Cojones versus quail eggs

For Can and Valentina, a new front line emerges shortly before the nomination. This time it is Zico Banach (32) with whom they clash. It’s about eggs. The ones that Can eat and the ones that Can doesn’t seem to have in his pants. Can and Valentina Baldower offer a return coach for their nomination speech. They compare Zico’s devices to “quail eggs”, while Can would have real “cojones”. Claudia Obert would have spontaneously pulled this off her sleeve.

Quail eggs or not: Aleks and Vanessa receive the most negative votes despite their refreshed image. In addition to their involuntary relationship rescuers, the Stehfests, Maurice also votes against his friend Aleks. He didn’t like the fact that he wanted to communicate with their mutual archenemy Valentina again. Lack of straightforwardness and all that. One could also say that there are no eggs, to stay in the jargon.

Aleks and Vanessa still get another chance. They are allowed into an exit challenge against the runners-up. These are, of all people, her couples therapists Eric and Edith.


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