Summary AMA Ariadne X Bitcoin Addict Thailand

1. Please introduce yourself. your background And what brought you into the crypto market?

My name is Eugene Shimalsky, founder of software development company for over 10 years and now founder of Ariadne Finance, started into crypto industry since 2016 -)

2. What is Ariadne Finance? Can you suggest a short project and how it works?

Ariadne is a cross-chain DeFi project focused on reducing fees for entering/exiting farms on multiple blockchains.

3. Blockchain Sustainability It’s a hot topic today. How do you view development projects in this area?

Our system reduces friction (friction) and will increase liquidity. This will help make the most efficient chain win.

4. What is the utility of the ARDN token?

ARDN will also be used to pay all system fees + gas in the entire chain.

5. Do you have any competitors in the market? And who do you think is the main competitor?

Dashboards, (dashboards) protocols that do all cross-chain DeFi, but we’re not that direct competitors.

6. Consider the competitors mentioned above. What will be the main competitive advantages of those projects? (Maybe in terms of teams, alliances, etc.)

Our projects are easy to use. and has a distinctive feature on the cost of use

7. Can you tell us about your milestones and future plans?

We are collaborating with Aurora and Polygon.

8. What are your plans for both Thailand and the Southeast community?

still nothing special But we are launching the Ambassador program later this year.

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